Monday, August 24, 2009

Lacey's 2 week re-check

Today was Lacey's two week re-check after all of the disappointing news that we received on August 7th. Since then, I have been watching Lacey's every move, worrying about her, wondering if her new meds were working and wondering all kinds of things. With every cough I worried more and with every special little Saluki kiss I felt joy that she was still here to enjoy life with.

Today our student met us at the door and did her preliminary exam and then Dr. Scollan came in to do her exam and give us a explanation of what they would be doing on today's appointment. The schedule for today was an x-ray and ECG to check the arrhythmia.

We left Lacey in capable hands and headed out to visit our favor places in Corvallis. We returned back to the clinic about 1:30 and were ushered into the exam room. Our student gave her preliminary report and then Dr. Scollan came in to give us the details.

The good news is that Lacey is responding well to the meds and they have helped the with the abnormal arrhythmia . We are to continue as is and come back in 3-4 months for a re-check. We have items to watch for.

Life is precious, enjoy every day.....

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