Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bzzz, bzzz, bzzzz

Bzzz, bzzz, bzzzz.

Our ears are still humming to the sound of honey bees. What a grand day. Bonnie and I got to spend the day at George Hansen's Foothills Honey, Colton, OR for the Bill Ruhl Memorial Bee Day event.

The Portland-Metro Beekeepers Association (PMBA) sponsors this gathering of multiple local bee clubs. The day started our with a twenty minute talk about equipment and a second presentation by Dr. Ramesh Sagili spoke on the life of the honey bee and current day developments and problems.

Then outside we went to five stations for live instruction varying from bee diseases, queen identification, three stages of bee development, what makes a strong hive, creating a new hive from nukes purchased or taking frames from a strong hive and inserting a new queen, and of course managing diseases.

Some individuals were interested in pollination, while others were desiring to collect honey for their use.

An event you should not miss next year if you have any interest in bee keeping.

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