Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blueberry Hill

Several years ago we decided it would be great fun to go huckleberry picking. I think that perhaps we found a small handful, but on the way home we did find a wonderful little blueberry place in Dee, Oregon. We have been going back every year since then.

There's nothing quite like blueberries, and it's always a nice trip around the mountain. Our goal was to pick 4 buckets of berries, and perhaps have a taste or two.

Every time I turned around someone was munching away, or as he says just sampling to make sure we were picking the right berries :-)

The berries are big and juicy and it only took about 1.5 hours to pick our 4 buckets. Once we were finished it was off to the shed to weigh, sort and pack the berries for the trip home. Gloria the owner of the field is quite interesting and is always available to help with suggestions on how to make the process more efficient. The grand total this year was 25 pounds....not bad for 1.5 hours worth of work.

After working up an appetite in the fields we always stop in Parkdale for an ice cream . If you are ever in Parkdale be sure to stop for a cone or dish...Oregon ice can't beat it!

It's hard to believe that we live in such a beautiful place. Mt Hood is beautiful no matter what time of year.

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