Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Yesterday was our Third Anniversary. It is hard to believe it has already been three years. Where does time go?

To celebrate we each took the day off so that we could do something fun together. I am a planner and came up with the great idea of going to Timberline to do a short day hike and then have breakfast or lunch at the lodge. What could be a better place to spend our anniversary than at the place that we got married….

Well one can never count on NW weather or I should say you can count on it to do something other than what you want. This week has been no exception. We woke up to rain and 47 degrees. Since we were headed to the mountain a day hike didn’t look very promising.

As with all outings we had to get a coffee to start our day and picked our local favorite in Boring, and then headed towards the mountain. Just after we left Sandy we saw a Timberline car also headed our direction and it was another Bill Johnson (sure is a lot of them around here) and he was headed to the mountain too….his excuse was he works at Timberline.

On the drive up the rain started to get that splattery look and then it started to snow. Hmmmm hiking in the snow…not a good thing.

By time we arrived at Timberline the ground was white and there were several inches of snow on the ground. This year I have also signed up for the Timberline Host program and the other Bill Johnson is part of that program so we stopped and visited for a few minutes before heading up to the lodge to see the new snow tunnel that is being installed. I have attached a picture. It’s quite interesting and I reserve judgment until it has been completed.

The main door is closed due to the tunnel installation so we headed in the side door and up to the main level. The patio where we got married was under a few inches of snow and it was snowing pretty steadily outside…..but what are anniversaries for if not to enjoy yourself and have fun. So we took the cameras and tripod and decided we’d hike up to the same location where we had one of our favorite wedding pictures taken. It’s interesting how different the landscape looks in the snow and how deep the drifts were on the trail….but we headed up anyway, got to the tree we thought it was, set up the tripod and figured out how to use the self timer and took a bunch of pictures. I’m sure if anyone saw us from the lodge they would think that we were crazy. I would start the timer and then run up the hill trying not to fall down, and smile before the 10 seconds was up. Much to our amazement, the weather decided to clear up and we had beautiful blue sky for the entire time we tried to get pictures. It was much easier to have someone else take our pictures, but what’s the fun in that. Here you can see what a beautiful day our wedding day was and then the difference this year. I still say someone was smiling down on our day since it was so beautiful.

We headed back to the lodge and stopped at the entrance for one last hug and smooch and wouldn’t you know it….two guys walked and the door hit Bill….we were CAUGHT….but they were good sports and once they got in the door, they told us to carry on!

Since we had plans for a full day, we headed back to the car for our trip over to the other side of the Mountain where we were going to get apples to make applesauce. Once we came around the back side of the mountain, the weather changed and it was a beautiful day. Sunny and the mid 60’s.

Our apple stop was at the Draper Girls Farm. Only problem is that we were two weeks too early for apples. So we picked up a few pieces of fruit to snack on and we headed off to Hood River where I had found an interesting coffee shop to try. Some people might think that we are crazy, but finding coffee shops brings us great joy, so why not!

Our destination was a little shop called 10 Speed Coffee, where they roast their own coffee. Now how could we resist stopping at a bike coffee shop? It was a nice little shop and they had an awesome table made out of bike rims. I asked if I could take a picture and here it is. We just happen to have lots of rims around here so it might be kind of fun to try and make something similar for ourselves.

Next door to the coffee shop was a bike repair stop. We dropped by there too and Bill watched them work on bikes for a while and I wandered around. I found an interesting old Schwin tandem bike.

After that we headed off to downtown Hood River. It’s a cute little town and rather fun to wander around as we headed down the hill we stopped as there was a wall covered with mosaic. I had to get out and take pictures and they were very cool! Here are some of my favorite panels from the mosaic.

We then wandered around and stopped for lunch. Since it was getting late and we needed to head back home to take care of the girls so headed back to the car. One the way we found one more coffee shop…Dog River Coffee Company…now how could we not stop at a shop like that. Since this was our last stop I had to make a pit stop before leaving. Sounds funny but I’m glad I still had my camera around my neck because the walls have wonderful paintings on them.

I couldn’t have asked for a better anniversary!

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