Monday, March 3, 2014

It's been a very long time...

I've recently had the urge to rekindle our blog as there are many projects going on in our lives that I thought worthy of blogging about. As I resurrected the Two In Motion blog I discovered the last time I wrote, it was about the heartbreaking loss of Lacey. It has been four years this month since Lacey crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I still think of her often.

I stopped blogging on a sad note and much has happened over the years. Lacey's daughter Kayla had puppies, we made a whirlwind trip to Spain, Italy, France and Finland, and the most emotional and heartbreaking was the passing of my Mom.

Many people have told me with nonchalance, "well you knew it was coming so it shouldn't be that hard". Yes I knew my Mom was old and yes I knew that her health wasn't what it once was.  I don't understand how anyone can make such a heartless comment. 

Saturday, November 9, 2014, I had been planning to go and visit my Mom.  I had picked out a knitting project that was simple enough that I could knit and visit with my Mom and had been planning to spend the afternoon with her.    It was 8:00 am and I was outside saying good bye to Bill as he was heading off for the day, his phone rang and it was my Mom's caregiver, calling to tell us that my Mom had passed away unexpectedly.

It has been almost four months and there are days when I want to pick up the phone and call and tell my Mom some little thing that I thought would bring a smile to her face and then realization hits that oooohhhhhh, I can't call her anymore.

I miss my Mom more than words can say, she is responsible for helping me grow into the person I am.  One of the gifts from my Mom was her strength and determination, a gift I shall always treasure.  She will always be with me.

In the last year, Bill and I decided that we would purchase my Mom's home and make it ours. It is a journey that will take us a while to complete and I am planning on documenting the transition.

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