Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lacey's 3 month re-check

Friday morning Lacey & I headed down the road to Corvallis for her 3 month check up. She has been on her heart medications for 3 months and this visit was a follow up to see what was happening. Unfortunately Bill was busy so this was just a girls only road trip.

We arrived a bit early and went for a walk. Lacey was not impressed with the cow in the pasture so we headed another direction only to find our student trying to flag us down as they were ready for us.

The two previous doctors were not available so we had yet another doctor to review the case. As it turned out, he doctor was the head of the cardiac department, so I think she was in pretty good hands.

The normal routine is that we leave Lacey for the appointment and then come back several hours later. This time the doctor said she should be finished by noon.

I tend to be a bit of a worry wart and since I was alone this time, I wasn't really in the mood to visit any of the regular places, but I did anyway. I hit Sibling Rivalry first and found some nice stuff but it just didn't entice me, then it was off to the bike shop, once again nothing really caught my eye, then off to Grass Roots Bookstore. I found some unusual cards but nothing I couldn't do without. About 11:30 I received a call from Lacey's student letting me know that she was finished but I couldn't pick her up until 1:00. So I figured my last stop would be our favorite coffee shop, where I sat down with a white mocha and worked on this blog.

I arrived back at the school at 1:00 and the doctor came in and gave me the news that Lacey now had a different arrhythmia and needed to go on yet another medication to try and control it. He pulled up a chair in front of me and gave me a very matter of fact description of what was going on and what could happen and then sent me on my way, saying he'd be seeing me in two weeks for a recheck to make sure the new meds were working, and off we went.

As soon as I got home Bill & I headed off to Fred's to pick up her new prescription. We are now watching for side effects.

As I continue to say, if you did not know she was sick, you would not know she was sick. Tonight she was outside wandering around the yard, when she saw a cat. Lacey was not impressed with the cat and let everyone know it.

She's still a sassy little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie! Keep us up to date on Lacey so we know how she is doing on the new medication. Love, Carol
