Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sauvies Island

It seems like our life has been all about one obligation or duty after another for ages. This weekend was all about us. Saturday we did some window shopping for household appliances, hit one of our favorite coffee shops, and then some more window shopping for a ski coat as my Mom gave me one as an IOU last Christmas.

Sunday we decided would be a day of some fun, so we got up early and headed out to Sauvies Island for a bike ride. Last time we were there was for the half marathon on July 4. It's amazing how much it has changed since last month. We practiced a few action shots on the bikes.

Since we are early birds, we are on our bikes by 9:00. Even at that hour there were still quite a few bikes on the road, and the car traffic was light.
Since this was a day to relax and enjoy life, it was a leisurely ride which allowed plenty of time for gawking and a picture or two.
We stopped and spoke with a couple of guys that had parked by a field to see what they were watching. Turns our the birds were condors. The birds were huge!
We came across a great photo opportunity with these old trucks filled with flowers.

One of the farms we rode by had scenic panels incorporated into the fence. Each one had a different scene.

Here we are in a field of some kind of hydrangea's. I'm practicing my royal wave, and Bill is practicing standing around looking cute :-)

As we were ending our ride, I shouted STOP, and we switched from cyclists to black berry hunters. Bill is studying his target, makes his move, and I enjoy the reward. These were the BEST blackberries that I have ever had.

We decided that the berries were so good that we would stop at one of the farms for some berries. We found a little u-pick place no blackberries but we did get some gravenstein apples. They too were wonderful. I think there will be an apple pie in our future sometime soon.
Then off to Sydney's for a delicious coffee before heading home where there were a few of life's little duties that required attention.

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